Astro Zodiac Chart (Lite) (air.AstroChart.lite) on Google Play

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Calculate your natal birth chart,Shows your personality from the calculated planets, houses and aspects from the time and place you were born.Easy to use on Android Phones and Tablets,Uses Google Maps to help pin point exact Longitude and Latitude of any city, or town right to the street level.Also will calculate the time zone and if daylight savings existed for that location in the year of the birth date.You can click any Planet, Sign, Aspect or House symbol and it will tell you the personality trait that associates with that portion.Note: The lite version will show you where the Sun, Moon, Houses and Rising sign is. Location of all other planets are only in the full version. signs and houses the planets where in as clickable text buttons.Natal Birth Chart using Western Astrology and Placidus House System. (Also has clickable symbols)The Aspects of all planets (in full version), and a long in depth description of the chart in an easy to read format.