UNO (air.UNO) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'UNO.air'

UNO - "Șeptică Americană" is an American card game which can be played from a young age. Is a board game, easy to play with very simple rules, developing the capacity for attention, strategy of player and last but not least, very fun to playRULES OF PLAY:- each player must discard the same color or number with card which is down- draw the top card of the deck if dont have card who matching in color or number- if the player discard the card number 2 next player in sequence draws two cards and loses a turn- if the player discard the card number 7 then himself declares next color to be matched- if the player discard the card number 11 next player in sequence loses a turn- if the entire deck is used during play then the game finish at parity- wins who remains without cardHave fun! :)