Happy Birthday Greeting Cards (air.animatorapp.android) on Google Play

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filmyapp: Free Birthday Cards and Greeting Cards Maker for whatsapp & Facebook. Create Funny and interesting greeting cards and animations and share with your friends on whatsapp. The filmy app allows you to add songs to make your greeting cards more interesting. This app generates fun animated messages that can be shared on messaging apps. Fun app to share super funny animated free birthday cards and other greetings with your friends and loved ones. Filmy app has been created to send fun filmy style greetings, messages, wishes and animations!Send: Birthday cards for motherBirthday cards for dadBirthday cards for husbandBirthday cards for wifeBirthday cards for brotherBirthday cards for sisterBirthday cards for kidsBirthday cards for BoyfriendBirthday cards for daughterThe ecards created with the filmy app are interactive and funny. The happy birthday messages you send will be interesting and exciting for the receivers. The birthday wishes you send can be embellished with birthday images and happy birthday quotes to impress the birthday boys and girls. If you want to send fun birthday wishes to your friends then this is the perfect app.If you want to send birthday cards with photos, you can do so. You can add your own birthday images and personalize the ecards. This is the special feature of the greeting cards maker.This is the perfect birthday app for all ages.Lots of birthday categories and greeting cards will be added on a regular basis!New! Now you can add birthday reminders with the events list feature. This feature allows you to addimportant dates for your loved ones like birthdays and anniversaries. You will receive reminders in advance to help you plan for these important events. The birthday reminder app feature will keep you up to date with all important days with easy advance notifications.