Recacon : SONY Camera QX10 etc ( on Google Play

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Recacon is a remote control app for SONY Camera DSC-QX10, etc. << Features >>> Normal ModeNormal mode for taking pictures. You can use the 'volume up' button to shoot images.You can display grid lines on the liveview.> LiveView Capture ModeThe mode for capturing the liveview image.> W-LiveView Capture ModeCapturing the liveview of remote camera and the liveview of the phone camera at the same time.> Interval Shooting ModeInterval Timer Shooting. ( for time-lapse motion picture, etc )> Motion Detector ModeYou can use your camera as a surveillance camera with the motion detector.You can change the sensitivity and the threshold for taking pictures.App will take a picture when 'motion level' > 'threshold'.Beep will sound at the moment of detection.Push 'VIS button' to visualize ( red colored pixels ) the motion.> Automatic Bracketing ModeExposure Compensation ( EV ) / ISO speed rate bracketing. ( ±1 or ±2 step )> SmartWatch Output ModeYou can display the liveview, shoot/zoom on SmartWatch. ( NOTICE: This is an experimental feature. You can not use this feature for actual use. )You need to install Recacon for SmartWatch to use this feature.Recacon for SmartWatch ( Free ) 'liveview rotate button', a menu for switching to phone camera are included.You can remove 'Trial Version label' with the paid-for license. ( You can purchase the license in this app. )The limitation of the interval shooting will be removed by the paid-for license.Images of LiveView capture and W-LiveView capture will be stored in DCIM/Recacon folder.Pictures of other mode will be stored in the camera. You need SONY PlayMemories Mobile app to view those images.I have also developed an app for Mac and Windows.Currently, the app for Mac and Windows is free. ( It is a donationware. Donations are always welcome. )Please donate or purchase the paid-for license of Android app on liking.You can download it from following site. app was tested with DSC-QX10. DSC-QX100, or other Camera Remote API supported camera may work with this app, but this app is not tested on these camera.This app is using Camera Remote API by Sony. ( Camera Remote API by Sony is an official API of Sony for app developers. )This app is using Motoya L Cedar 3 font.Disclaimer : This app is provided for use as is without warranty of any kind. Your use of the app is at your own risk. You should test this app before purchasing the paid-for license. This app has possibilities for failure because of 'OS version up', 'Camera firmware version up', 'App version up', etc. We will not refund in such cases.Camera Remote API by Sony