My Safe Place ( on Google Play

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PROBLEM"Bring your child to the hospital is stressful for the whole family whether the trip is for an outpatient procedure or a hospital stay, a planned visit or an emergency"OUR SOLUTIONHelp your child overcome his fear of the hospital accompanied with this app that will let you create a safe refuge with her toys and beloved pets. With this application you can also explain in a fun and easy way all that you will find in your hospital visit.BENEFITS Security Regulating Stress Confidence Reduction of Fear Prevention and overcoming phobias Educate adults responsible for their health. Optimism to clinical interventions.PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORYSupported by the theory of transitional phenomena of Winnicott, this application seeks offered as a tool for children in need of an intervention in hospitals or health in general and with which, through play and using objects known and loved by children, foster a sense of security by modifying the cold and unfamiliar hospital environment including known and affective elements for them.Comfort Object"A comfort object, transitional object, or security blanket is an item used to provide psychological comfort, especially in unusual or unique situations, or at bedtime for small children. Among toddlers, comfort objects may take the form of a blanket, a stuffed animal, or a favorite toy, and may be referred to by English-speaking toddlers as blankey and lovey."Comfort Object definition from Wikipedia