Crystal Crash Maths ( on Google Play

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Crystal Crash Maths is a fun mathematical game which covers a wide range of learning objectives. The game is carefully differentiated to meet the expectations of the new mathematics curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6 (age 5-11).Mathsframe is dedicated to the creation of high quality interactive resources for teaching maths at primary schools. Our games are designed by an experienced teacher to help students develop key mathematical skills and improve their fluency, speed and accuracy. Crystal Crash Maths includes the following games:ADDITIONPractise mental addition skills with 20 levels to play from number bonds in Year 1 to adding pairs of decimals in Year 6.SUBTRACTIONThe game was designed to cover all the mental subtraction objectives in the new maths curriculum. You can choose one objective, or choose all the objectives for a year group. MULTIPLICATIONPractise multiplication skills aligned to expectations from Year 1 to Year 6. You can choose one multiplication table to practise, or several. Also includes levels which involve recognising square and cube numbers.DIVISIONPractise mental division skills with 16 different levels, from halving numbers to 20 (Year 1) to halving decimals and finding division facts related to multiplication tables.READING NUMBERSMatch numbers written in words with the correct numerals. Multiple levels from numbers smaller than 20 to numbers up to 10,000,000.FRACTIONS OF NUMBERSFind the fraction of a number. Multiple levels to focus on specific objectives, from finding halves of numbers up to 20 to finding multi-part fractions of larger numbers.CONVERT FRACTIONS TO DECIMALSFind the decimal version of a fraction. Multiple levels to focus on specific objectives from simple unit fractions to multi-part fractions.CONVERT FRACTIONS TO PERCENTAGESFind the percentage version of a fraction. Multiple levels to focus on specific objectives from simple unit fractions to multi-part fractions.SIMPLIFY FRACTIONSReduce fractions to their simplest form. Multiple levels to focus on specific objectives from simple unit fractions to multi-part fractions.MULTIPLES, FACTORS, PRIME, SQUARE AND CUBE NUMBERSFind multiples and factors of numbers, and recognise prime, squares and cube numbers.ROUNDING NUMBERSLevels range from rounding 2-digit numbers to the nearest 10, to rounding decimals with three places to the nearest decimal place.ROMAN NUMERALSRecognise Roman Numerals. Levels include: reading numbers up to 12, 50, 100 or 1000, or recognise years written in Roman Numerals.TELLING THE TIME IN WORDSRead the time in words and match to the correct digital time.