Remember this useful place (appinventor.ai_patrick_leeuwen.Carfinder) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'ai_patrick_leeuwen.appinventor'

Have you ever visited a special place you'd like to visit again but you forgot where exactly it was?Your problom is solved!With this app you can pinpoint special or useful locations and navigate exactly back to the pinpointed location. When you clik 'Add POI' your location is stored in your phone, add a handy discription for finding it in your locations list.When you want to return to that special place choose in 'Pick a POI' and select where you want to rerturn to.Your phone wil navigate you to your destination.You can delete pinpointerd locations one by one or delete the whole list.Especially handy:- on a big parking lot- in a amusement park- pinpoint your hotel on vacation- pinpoint special places when you visit a cityAnd lots of other places!