Lyrics (brasil.leonardo.letras) on Google Play

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Access the lyrics of their favorite songs anywhere. With lyrics you can build your repertoire of songs and access offline whenever you want.Optimized for phones and tablets the "Letters" ensures access the lyrics of his songs in an organized and compact.Search for lyrics on the Internet through one of the partner sites, or import text files (other sites) containing the songs you want to sing.Link your mp3 music to your chords and learn to sing even faster.And best of all, you can still create your playlists, organize and execute them sequentially.Join your friends and spend fun times playing and singing the best songs.Key features:♫ Creating a playlist offline letters on your device.♫ Search online for new lyrics. Several figures are updated daily (in Firefly and ClickGratis sites).♫ Search alphabetically by artist name and.♫ Search by voice.♫ Import text files: you can create text files (. Txt), just that the file meets the following formatting:   _ First line of the file in the format = "{name}-musica - {artist}-name", eg "Initial Capital - Natasha". (* Do not forget the blank spaces before and after the hyphen)♫ Viewer Customizable letters (choose background color or the font color of their figures, divide into two columns or adjust the font size).♫ Option scrolling speed automatic customization.♫ Option quick tap on the screen (just a touch on the top half or bottom of the screen to the letter forward / rewind).♫ Clean and customization of the letter (remove unnecessary information for its execution).♫ Option to choose what the system should do after saving a new letter (open or continue seeking the figure)♫ Create lists, with the possibility of ordering a list and play music from beginning to end without turning the screen inicla.♫ Backup and restoration of letters and lists. Allows all data to be stored for future use or to be restored on another machine.♫ Play and listen: possible link to an audio (mp3, wav or ogg) to a letter and use audio as monitoring of Cipher. Ideal for those who want to learn to sing a new song.♫ Integration with Youtube: Look her songs on Youtube.We thank the following sites for the availability of the figures:Firefly _ ( ClickGratis ( luck and good music!Keywords: lyrics, music, repertoire, offline, artist, mp3