mamamap (ch.catatec.mamamap) on Google Play

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Breastfeeding but still staying mobileBreastfeeding has many advantages for the health of mother and child. The WHO and Swiss paediatricians recommend to exclusively breastfeed for six months if possible.Breastfeeding should be possible anywhere and at all times. Occasionally, it is useful to know a place where you can breastfeed in a quiet place. Public breastfeeding places are ideal for that.Using mamamap-App you will rapidly and easily find a place for breastfeedingQuite simply find breastfeeding places on the map, retrieve details for each place, enter new breastfeeding locations.With activated GPS the closest breastfeeding locations will appear.Features:Details concerning each location (e.g. opening hours, accessible with child's pushchair, smoke-free). Search for locations. Calculation of distance to closest breastfeeding place. Listing of breastfeeding places. Listing of closest breastfeeding places. Entering new breastfeeding places.