Border Terrier (com.a2850395515028098b4aa547a.a01617342a) on Google Play

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The Border Terrier in full colour, pictures, video's, news, information and all you need to know on the border terrier and where you can get more information in one easy app.If you are looking for a border Terrier this will give you the information you need and the best links to get valuable on choosing this great dog.If you have a Border Terrier this App will let you into a community of dog lovers.This app will add a new icon on your home screen that links to a Android Tricks mobile web page, Games and Apps. If you do not want to use this awesome page, you can either ignore it or delete it. If you do use it, we get help promoting this app and make a few peenies, it will also help us keep developing more great apps. "