Elite Referee (com.alianza.appsport110) on Google Play

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Elite Referee, is an application for mobile devices, smartphones and tablets, especially designed for professional arbitrator, but also will be useful to trainers, coaches and professional players. In this application you will find the rules of the game of professional football, highlighting how innovative element, the regulation that allows you to hear audio while you train or wait for the next flight.Plug in your device via bluetooth to the car while traveling and listening to the Elite Referee regulation .Elite Referee is divided into 6 sections you 'll find :The regulations in 17 tracks, so you hear the rules while training or traveling .The regulation of expanded game with over 80 illustrative figures in over 180 sections.Additional Guidelines for referees and assistants .Rules of the fourth official in international competitions.Knowledge test with over 300 questions .Graphics for the pre-match team talk .Password: referee, assistant,football, futbol, regulation, rules, audio, locution, play