CPU usage-System info (com.alpha.cpustat) on Google Play

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This App provides you every information regarding CPU usage Which will guide you to SAVE BATTERY life or to OVERCLOCK as per your preference.# work on both ROOTED and NON-ROOTED(PREFERABLE) devices .# REAL TIME cpu current state information ,highlighted in red . # FREQUENCY rage is in REAL TIME, Updates immediately after the kernel updates the rage.# How long device was awake ACCURATE to the MILLISECOND.# Kernel info.# IDLE state information ,which CPU states were unused .# Group CPU states if states are within your customizable states# DEEP Level info ROOT required. -----BUG REPORTING-----IF YOU ENCOUNTER ANY BUG PLEASE ENABLE THE BUG REPORTING IN THE SETTINGS.IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY COLLET BUG AND SEND YOU WITH YOUR PREFERABLE COMMUNICATINSERVICE.