Juice Fasting Recipe 2.1 (com.appbuilder.u951258p1283986a) on Google Play

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Juice Fasting DietIf you’re planning to do a 7 day juice fast, here are a few things I recommend:• Buy a good juicer and proceed with the Juice Fasting Recipe fasting programme.• Drink plenty of water and maintain at least 20 minutes exercise 4-5 times a week (I’d recommend burning 400 kcal for each exercise). You should pretty much always have water with you. A good rule of thumb is 1 glass of juice, 1 glass of water.• Warm or hot water with lemon helps prevent nausea.• Prepare your fruits and veggies the night before so you can make juice quickly.• Try to start your fasting programme away from work for two or three days, to avoid distraction at work. I personally prefer to start on Saturday morning.• Coming off the fast, stick to raw fruits and veggies and ease into a clean diet.• Use a straw to allow yourself slowly to indulge your juice! (Optional)