Auto Smart Call Recorder (com.appsbazaar.autocallrecorder) on Google Play

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Have you ever had an important phone call & want to save that conversation for future use? Yes, we all need these kind features in our phones. In the business world almost peoples spend their long hours in a mobile conversation with their co-workers & clients. Without recording it is not possible to remember all conversation & make further use those conversations as a reference & evidence. Auto Call Record provides users lots of unique set of features that will enable users to record all calls smartly. Additionally, you can simply shake the device throughout the call to start recording immediately. You can save these recordings in multiple formats & listen to the recorded call at any time. It is also synced with Drop box for more secure storage & many social media platforms; it means you can also share your recording with anyone instantly.List of a few impressive features:1. The call recorder has been integrated with crystal clear voice recording features.2. Work based on predefined rules.3. Shake your mobile & start recording instantly.4. Hold the saved recording for few seconds & it will pop-up the list of options like; delete records, add to favorites & write additional note.5. This Smart Call Recorder Run in background & perform an impressive task outstandingly. 6. Its intuitive interface makes it easier to navigate.Important note about the Auto Smart Call Recorder:Due to few a hardware issues might be, it will not work properly on some devices.