Apex/GO Theme Sea Treasures (com.av.themes.go.apex.seatreasures) on Google Play

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It is an Apex- and Go- Launcher Themes i.e. it will work on either or both launchers.The Theme includes four wallpapers, alarm clock and package of icons.Apex Launcher:- Install Apex Launcher.- Install Theme.- Tap on "Apex Settings".- Choose "Theme Settings".- Select the Theme and apply it.GO Launcher:- Install Go Launcher.- Install Theme.- Tap on "Themes" icon and choose "Installed" tab.- Select the Theme and apply.To change an icon:Long press on any application icon on your desktop."Replace" menu will popup.Press on the "Theme's icon" and chooseany icon you like for your application.To Change the Wallpaper:Find wallpaper chooser and select the Theme's wallpaper.Scroll among wallpapers, select desirable and press "Set wallpaper" button.