CiaMoney Money Manager ( on Google Play

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User friendly app, easy and fast, designed for often use.You don't need finances or contability knowledges, it uses simple terms like income, expense, date, hour, category, name, note.It was made to have customizable control of your money flow, in an easy way but very useful.You just need to organize, create accounts, categories and subcategories according your requirements, Ex:Accounts: [HOME],[BUSINESS],[ENTERPRISE],[BANK]Category [Services]:- SubCategories: [Water],[Energy],[Gas],[Telephone],[TV Cable],[Internet]Category [MyEnterprise]:- SubCategories: [Sells],[Buys],[Employees],[Providers]FEATURES** Multiple accounts manager** Categories and SubCategories manager** People, business or company names manager** 100 icons for control and use easily** Save records with date, hour, minute** Powerful time filter. Filters by customizable time, year, mounth, day, hour or minute** Customizable filters (ID, Category, Tipe, Amount, Name, Note)** Customizable records order** Customizable mass deletion of records** Customizable CSV file export (Edit with Excel, Calc, Works, Google Sheets,...)** General balance with time filter** Password protection** Languages: english, spanish, portugueseTEST Version------------** 5 accounts limit** 100 records limit per account