Maximo Inventory Demo Tool (com.clicsys.clicsyscounter) on Google Play

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The ClicSysCounter/Maximo Mobile Demo Tool is a fully functional mobile inventory client with bar-code scanning for use with IBM Maximo 7.5. This app was produced and published to assist Maximo users in their understanding of how putting live Maximo capabilities in the hands of their mobilized workforce will benefit their organization. If you would like to answer questions concerning acceptability and performance of small devices in your environment or need to do a hands-on investigation into potential benefits and limitations of Android device use with Maximo, this is for you.While not intended to be anything more than a demo app, it does provide fully functional capabilities that allow checking inventory counts and adjusting them in real-time, as would be done, for example, when performing physical or cycle counts.Disclaimer:This app provides only Application Server security and passes unencrypted data to Maximo. There is no remote device management capability included. This should not be used for general distribution and use in your workforce. It is recommended that this be used by IT & Business-process decision makers (or their trusted designees) in order to help justify a mobility project.