Colabus Projects (com.colabus.project) on Google Play

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Colabus Projects application is suited for small teams working on projects. Whether you are working on a startup with a few colleagues or working on your pet project with friends, Colabus Projects is ideal for you. You can pretty much do everything from your mobile device. You will need to have a registered account before you can use the system. Additional projects can be created for a nominal fee. PROJECTS WORKSPACEThe PROJECTS module provides a comprehensive set of features to manage any special purpose project. All discussions, project documents, emails, tasks and the details of team members related to the project are accessible in the same place.CALENDAR/ TASKSCreate and track task for their completion and progress. Various types of tasks are supported – Regular Tasks, Workflow Tasks, Document tasks and Events. Tasks assigned to you are listed under ‘My Tasks’. Tasks that you have assigned to other people are listed under ‘Assigned Tasks’. View the progress of the tasks and associated comments at various stages of completion of the task. Documents or hyperlinks in support of the task completion can also be viewed. CONNECTThis module lets you view all the personnel in your organization. You can also maintain your personal contacts. The Message section shows you the personal message threads that were sent to you as well as let you reply back to the sender.