Halloween Piano (com.coolgamearcade.halloweenpiano) on Google Play

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*** HAVE A SPOOKTASTIC HALLOWEEN WITH THE ORIGINAL & ONLY HALLOWEEN PIANO (XYLOBONE) ON GOOGLE PLAY ****** FREE WITH AN UPGRADE TO REMOVE ADS ***The Ocarina kept you entertained for a while, but now it’s time for some rib-tickling fun. Be first to own a Xylobone!!Like a xylophone … but made of bones. It’s all the rage with one-legged pirates, zombies and phantoms of opera!FEATURES*Two full Octaves of musical bones.*Added percussion ability with 6 “SKULL” bells.*Record and playback modes.*Play freely with full support for “slides” and multi-finger.*Play along with your last recording.*Premium quality Xylobone sounds!** Essential for your Halloween party **Keep kids and adults entertained with these funny bones!USER REVIEWSCarl says “It’s dead good!”Captain Black Beard says “Avast, me hearties! Xylobone t’is a perfect addition t’any pirate’s iPad. Aye, me parrot concurs.BE WARNED!! PLAYING THE XYLOBONE CAN BE EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE… MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!