Baby Math (com.creative.mind.babymath) on Google Play

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The Baby Math App will greatly improve the chancesof your baby understanding quantities and doing simple math before the age of 5 if used correctly.Below is a list of things that you can do to improve the learningexperience of your baby. 1. Be enthusiastic! Try to be enthusiastic when showing the App to your babyand use a tone of voice that is friendly and high pitched. 2. Practice often! The App should be used at least twice a day. Some babiesmight ask to use the App even more frequently.Short frequent sessions are better than long ones, don'tbore your baby!3. Start early! The Baby Math App can be used as soon as the baby canhold her head up, usually around 2 or 3 months of age.The younger the babies the easier it is for them tolearn words. 4. Quantities are important! Please teach your baby quantities from 0-100 before starting with games and equations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). It might take several months for yourbaby to learn quantities, please be very patientand don't get discouraged. 5. Avoid distractions! Cartoons, TV and silly games distract your baby. Pleaseput away all the toys and turn down the lights ifnecessary to increase her concentration. 6. Make if fun! The whole learning experience should be as muchfun as possible, be as creative as youcan be. 7. Don't punish your baby! If your baby doesn't feel like using the App don't forceher, instead ask her again after a few hours or the day after.If she is not learning fast enough, don't punish her or act upsetor disappointed, this is meant to be fun! 8. Avoid teaching your baby numerals (0,1,2,3,4,etc....) until the Age of 5. Babies are supposed to focus on quantities (red dots), not on thenumerals. Ultimately this method willallow them understand math intuitively and with ease.Your kids will be able to do their homework much faster than other kids. 9. Don't test your baby unless she is asking for! Testing invariably introduces tension into the situationon the part of the parent and children perceive thisreadily.Be very patient and loving to your baby, praise her andhug her whenever it's possible, and she will begrateful to you for the rest of her life. This App was created by Creativemind,please like our page on Facebook and let us know if thereis anything that we can do to improve it. Try also the Baby Read and the Baby Sounds Apps,They will teach your baby to read and to recognizesounds before the age of 5. Thank you for your support,