Studying Abroad-Dic of English (com.daolsoft.koreandic) on Google Play

WhoIs for ''

I. BookThis book collects a great deal of terms that are necessary to study English Literature with original language texts and other English Language related books, and lists them with explanation in alphabetical order. By using English sentences together with Korean explanation of English terms, it draws academic curiosity and effect, coming one after another. Core vocabularies are listed in the Key Word Preview section, to be recognized and utilized easily.II. Program1. The program supports the real-time search (auto complete) function.2. It provides categories by classified section.3. It provides the bookmark feature.4. It provides random extraction feature.5. In the Settings item, a user can change the font size of the list of extracted expressions.6. It provides ‘MYTHOLOGY & CHRISTIANITY’ and ‘DIGESTS OF SHAKESPEARE’S WORKS’ in the Appendix.