Headliner UCCW Skins (com.dbett4.headliner) on Google Play

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This skin pack includes 3 different UCCW widgets. A clock/battery, a music, and an apps widget. All colors can be customized. To customize colors, turn off hotspots in UCCW and then simply add the widget and tap on it to select the desired colors. Be sure to turn hotspot mode back on after to achieve full functionality. The Media Utilities must be installed and configured for the music widget to work correctly. The cover art you see on the music widget is really Media Utilities 1x1 cover art widget just laid on top. Nova launcher 11 x 6 is my setup.This is not a standalone application must have UCCW and Media Utilites installed.Media Utilities can be installed here for free: http://goo.gl/8vx1mThe notification widgets displayed in some of the screenshots can be found here for free: http://goo.gl/7EvpKnIcons shown are flatro and Tendere by Ryan Kelly: http://goo.gl/vFSgKS as well as alta by Jacek “yackovsky” Malinowski: http://goo.gl/UzDlLD