Mini Connection Notifier (com.derfreimann.wear.widgets.miniconnectionnotifier) on Google Play

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This app implements a service on your wearable that informs you when the connection status between the wearable device and your mobile phone changes.If you lose the connection, your wearable will shortly vibrate THREE times and you get a card informing you.You can then either keep the card as a reminder or just dismiss it (you'll still have the standard cloud-icon to remind you anyways!)...Once you get reconnected to your phone your wearable will vibrate TWO times and the card will automatically disappear (if not dismissed by you already).The vibrations even work in theater mode! (yay)That's all it does, simple and non-intrusive :)***************************************************Available languages (so far):Arabic*Chinese (simple)DanishDutchEnglish USEnglish UKFinnishFrenchGaelicGermanHungarianIcelandicItalianJapaneseKoreanNorwegian (Bokmål)Norwegian (Nynorsk)PolishSpanish (Castellano)SwedishPortugueseRussianSlovenianTurkish[*new]***************************************************This is just a modification of Google's sample code, to make it even simpler and less intrusive.Sample Code can be found here:***************************************************Background template by 'bummer' @***************************************************ATTENTION:Since version 1.7 I implemented a launcher icon on your wearable.You now can make your phone ring from your watch (if it is in range OR if you have WiFi enabled and both devices have internet connection)!If you don't get a notification on connection loss try initiating a "phone ring" from your watch.Since Android Wear 5.1.1 some devices seem to be unable to use this kind of notification apps unless you open them at least once... I have yet to find out why...