Percentage Calculator (com.dotlions.percentagecalculator) on Google Play

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This app calculate Percents & PercentagesEnter any two values and the third is computed.1. Percentage Simple2. Percent Discounts (sale price)3. Fraction to Percentage4. Increase and DecreaseThis tool lets you calculate percentage increase and percentage decrease. Fill in any two fields to calculate the third. Click on the increase/decrease link to toggle it.5. Percent Markups.Markup is a ratio of profit to cost expressed as a percentage. Profit is a difference between the revenue and the cost. For example, when you buy something for $80 and sell it for $100, your profit is $20. The ratio of profit ($20) to cost ($80) is 25%. 6. Percent Profit Margin (selling price)Profit margin is a ratio of profit to revenue expressed as a percentage (profit being the difference between revenue and cost). Example situation: a shopkeeper buys a huge bar of chocolate (what else?) from his delivery guy for $80 and sells it to a customer for $100. The profit is $100 - $80 = $20. The ratio of profit to revenue is $20 / $100, or, in other words, 20%7. Calculate Tips.