flash aura torch (com.dspl.torchaura) on Google Play

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Torch Aura, which is incredibly simple and easy to use, instantly turns your device into a bright flashlight. Torch Aura will use your device's camera LED / flash / screen as the light source.Features:* Super Bright flashlight / torch mode Guaranteed when using the device LED.* Convenient - Switch On/Off the light just like using a real flashlight* Great and diverse Background themes to choose from (Wooden, Ghost or Football). Animation on buttons are automatically adjusted as per the selected theme.* Strobe / Blinking function whose speed can be controlled by moving the speed bar from low to high.* Front screen is used as a torch using white light where brightness can be controlled from low to high.* Separate button is provided to use Torch Aura as a Colorful torch where front screen flashlight is using multicolored select option between Red/Yellow/Green and many more available Auras. KIDS WILL LOVE IT.* Torch Aura also shows the level of Battery consumed in the inner screen, hence user don't needs to get out of the app for checking battery level as well as he can switch off the torch as soon as the battery level goes down the particular level .* Sound feature is also provided which can be adjusted to Enabled/Disabled as per the user's choice.Enjoy!