Currency Converter (com.egeaappdesign.currencyconverter) on Google Play

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Free multiple-currency converter. All the currencies you need!You can convert for free up to the 50 most important currencies from all around the world.EUR USD JPY GBP MXN CHF DKK CZK RUB ZAR AUD CAD NZD NOK TRY BRL CNY KRW MYR HUF LTL PLN PHP THB HKD IDR ILS INR SGD BGN RON SEK HRK MAD COP DZD CLP BOB EGP ISK PKR PYG TND AED UAH UYU VEB VND RSD ARS SAR KZTCurrency exchange rates are daily updated from the European Central Bank (ECB) data.If you cannot get Internet connection, the currency converter can work offline anyway with the latest rate available.Dollar ,Yen , Euro , Yuan , Pound , Real , Peso , Dirham , Rupee , Dinar , Ruble , Won ,Bolivar, Riyad, Krone, etc.Currencies from: United States, European Union, New Zealand, Australia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, UK, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Croatia, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Canada, China , Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, India, south Korea, Mexico, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, South Africa, Morocco, Colombia, Algeria, Chile, Bolivia, Egypt, Iceland, Pakistan, Paraguay, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine , Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Serbia, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Finland, Latvia.