EPS Topik Learn and Test (com.epstopik.topiktest) on Google Play

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EPS Topik Learn and TestWe was designed for people who want to work in Korea. EPS-TOPIK includes:• 2000 Questions reading.• 1000 Words Topik• 50 Video teaching korean basic.• 80 Video teaching EPS Topik test. And It was optimized to your android mobile phone. More information:• Free upgrade if it has any change• Ads will hide after user clicked• The test has 25 questions, complete it you got 100 points. Each question has 4 answer to choose, it could be text or image. Tick one radio button to set the answer for each question. You got 4 points per question you choose the right answer. Next question will appear after you click Next or time is up.Thanks for using EPS TOPIK Learn ans Test.