Phonetic Debate Timer (com.falolfel.phoneticdebatetimer) on Google Play

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Phonetic Debate Timer is a timer intended to be used during speech & debate events by students and judges, and is designed to be used for practice as well. It provides audio (spoken time, as well as beeps) and visual feedback (color changes) to the user, and has preset times (and saves prep times) for certain debate styles, such as Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum and High School Policy. PDT also supports changing the countdown time manually, so prep times can be modified or countdown times can be set for practicing.As this is the free version of Phonetic Debate Timer, this app needs some permissions to run, namely INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE for advertisements. We do not use the internet connection granted by these permissions to collect data in any way, outside of bug reports you may choose to send if the app crashes (through Android's bug report mechanism).If you want to remove the advertisements, contribute to continued development of this app, or support the developers directly, please consider purchasing Phonetic Debate Timer Pro - the paid version - from the Google Play store. Thank you!