RaGPS (com.froyoragps.froyoragps) on Google Play

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This is a software application for mobiles that allows calculating the asociated parameters related to position and the relative distance Earth-Sun: extraterrestrial solar radiation, incident radiation in the Earth with clear sky, hours of sunshine, equivalent evapotranspiration, etc. This application is an improved version of RaGPS, that was developed in a previous work for Windows Mobile devices. This new application operates under Android operative system. The aparience of the application is completely renewed. The current tendencies in mobile applications are used in this software. New methods for capture and introduction of coodinates, visualisation of maps with Google Map, and obtaining of coordinates by means of selection in the map are included. Moreover the done height in the coordinate by means of the Web service is included. Graphical helps for easy use of the tool are provided. The captured information may be send not only by SMS but by means of Bluetooth, e-mail, social networks, etc.