TapNotes - Meeting Recorder (com.ftapps.tapnotes) on Google Play

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TapNotes gives you the tools to quickly record audio and take notes at the same time. Forget playing back hours of audio to find what you're looking for—now you can tag recordings on the fly for hassle-free playback. Whether you're a student, journalist, businessman, or anyone else who wants an upgraded note-taking experience, TapNotes for Android can help.With TapNotes you can:• Annotate a recording as it's happening• Go back in time and tag audio retroactively• Easily jump to tagged spots in recordings• Share a summary of each recording with other apps• Back up your recordings to the cloud for safekeeping• Browse through notes chronologically or search for one directly* Use the notification to add annotations or stop the recording all together from outside the applicationPlease note: This version is ad funded. To remove advertisements and recording limitations, please upgrade to the full version inside the app.Keywords: TapNotes, notes, recordings, audio, annotate, timestamp, tag