Bilbokalimotxo Donations (com.funmediafactory.unity.bilbokalimotxo.donations) on Google Play

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This is a drinking board game set in Bilbao where you can recognize iconic buildings and many details of the noble villa. A drinking game in gang as it should be. You can tell kalimotxo or calimotxo but you can use the drink you want to play.As you play you will go overcoming different challenges until one player reaches the final podium. Get this game for life with proven test results.The game is full, certain victory and immediate download.You can play anywhere with up to 16 people! If you liked let us +1 and share it with your crew.If you want to tell us something you can send your comments to the email of Fun Media Factory. We accept donations. If you want to: you just have to download the other game version - pay one -. With your donations we can develop more entertainment for the party. Remember that winners do not use drugs and enjoy.