Fast Poll (com.gerondesign.pesquisarapidapro) on Google Play

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The Fast Poll is a complete application toward conducting research of any size. There are four types of surveys (satisfaction, Alternative, multiple-choice and Discursive ) for you to know the opinion of people in general about their products, services, employees, etc. Besides being a great post-sale, know the opinion of your customers about your products/services is critical to maintaining the quality or discover where to improve. And improve results in gross over!>> To log in for the first time, leave the username blank and enter the password 5387a <<Explore the resources available in the app:- USER REGISTRATION: There are two user profiles: Profile Developers who have access to the customer base, vote and view the results of the research; Profile Manager, which has access to all functions of the app.- REGISTRATION CUSTOMER: Surveys can be anonymous or identified. For this, you can register customers and know the opinion recorded in the surveys.- REGISTER SEARCH: Choose from four types of research to know the opinions of those who use their products/services.The PROFIT - SHARE ON FACEBOOK: Share the result on your facebook timeline.- EXPORT DATA TO EXCEL: You can perform searches directly into their Excel applying filters to your liking.- IMPORT DATA FROM EXCEL: If you have many clients or searches for registering, import data from an excel file directly to the database app.- BACKUP OF DATA: The app has a database to help you avoid losing your data. The backup is performed automatically every insert that you do in the app.- SETTINGS: You can configure profile access and control of Contributor login app.- REPORTS: Express Customer Reports and Surveys.Questions, compliments, suggestions or complaints: GeronDesign Technology and Informatics Developer: Geronildo Junior E-mail: gerondesign@gmail.comSkype: geronildojr