Go-Kart Head On Action (com.gsmithdesigns.gokart) on Google Play

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This Free Racing App is INCREDIBLY CHALLENGING!In Go-Kart Head On Action, your goal is to race against the other go-karts, but with a twist! You are travelling in the reverse direction to the three other karts, and are at risk of a head on collision! With only two lanes on the raceway, you have to carefully watch your competitors and ensure when (not if) they switch to your lane, that you switch to the other, clear lane to avoid a smash! Each time you complete a circuit of the oval track you get a point. How long can you hold your nerve for? Can you get the high score? Or will you lose it all in a head on smash! The only way to find out is to try it. Download Go-Kart Head On Action and try it out for yourself!This is the HARDEST racing game ever... Good luck!