Jane Austen: Pride & Prejudice (com.gwofoundry.ebook.ja) on Google Play

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Jane Austen Collection: (3 books)Contains the following books1. Pride and Prejudice (1813)2. Emma (1815)3. Sense and Sensibility (1811) Ad supportedFeatures:1. Day/Night mode - tap 'M' - Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font typeface - tap 'F'3. Change font size - tap '-' or '+'4. Auto bookmarks the last read position - Tap 'Go to Last Read Postion' button to read from where you last stopped.5. Toggle title bar between full and simple - tap '*' 6. '<' & '>' to move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENUEmail your suggestions and comments to gwofoundry@gmail.comTags: ebook, classic, Jane Austen