Desaturated Pro (Shader) ( on Google Play

WhoIs for ''
Sooo..... this is kind of a protest song.I noticed a couple of so-called black & white "icon packs" on Google Play, claiming to offer "Every icon themed" or at least "literally thousands of icons".Which sounds quite impressive. Really, really impressive with an app that weighs in at maybe 67kb? That's kilobytes, yeah.It seems reasonable to assume that no actual creative effort is involved, but rather 3 lines of code in a file called shader.xml - achieving the result that all icons appear desaturated. It gets the job done. Which is nice. Really, really nice, if you can also convince people that you've done an actual icon pack and have them pay up to $2 for something that took you more time to upload and list than it took to actually make.So I wanted to make you the same deal for free.Now, I'm all for supply and demand. If people are happy to pay for nothing, great. Which is why you're reading this : A donate version that clocks in at $10.It doesn't do anything that the free version doesn't. It doesn't add any additional features, since the business part happens in code, not insert-photoshop-equivalent-here.And I will never ever provide any meaningful updates. Promise :-)But at least I'm honest about it.And I donate every last dollar to charity.