Hyperspace live wallpaper (com.hyperspacepaidgoimbh.app) on Google Play

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NO ads, NO push notificationsNO spyware, NO malwareNO permissions requiredFREE BONUS 22 backgrounds: broken screen, squashed mosquitoes, ants, binoculars, blood stains,cracked glass 2, cracked glass 3, bullet holes, ripped metal, squashed flies,broken screen 2, scorched metal, squashed mosquito, rusted metal, broken security, nuclear waste, splattered blood, cracked glass, jagged metal, keyhole and wolverine.The hyperspace live wallpaper brings tons of waves to your device – crushing one after the other, on and on and on. These are not some regular waves, however, no – these waves are made out of stars! That’s right, waves of stars, filling your background over and over and over again, splashing around, into the device and into each other. It’s just like the most beautiful night on the beach – except that it’s stars instead of water splashing into your feet.After the download you don't need internet connection to enjoy the application. This application will not download videos from the internet and waste your bandwidth. Download once and enjoy for ever.How to install:Once you have downloaded this live wallpaper the icon will not appear in your homescreen. To activate the application and access the settings, tap on the "Menu" button, select "Wallpapers", then select "Live Wallpapers". Scroll down to the live wallpaper icon and press "select wallpaper" to activate the application.