8-BIT Icon Theme FREE (com.icon8bit.jinh) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'icon8bit.com'

[8-BIT] is acronym of the [8-BIT Icon Theme]. ▪ 8-bit Icons number(paid versions are more than 2,000.)▪ 8-bit Size.▪ 8-bit Color.▪ xxhdpi Rendered.▪ Dashboard & Icon request tool(paid version only).▪ For Apex, Nova, Go, ADW, Smart Launcher, and maybe more. Here comes 8-BIT to stimulates your emotion.Actually... 1-BIT emotion was so dried and shrunken. Just 8-BIT is real! The size not be insufficient to represent everything: 16².The size too huge to handle as mere humans: 16².Masterpiece which depicting life on the size of 16². Masterwork which all this stitching was done by craftsmanship. Emphatically speaking, it is the most perfect icon theme ever(sorry I lied).  Homepage: http://8bit.tistory.com