Minesweeper (com.inkDroid.minezweeper) on Google Play

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Number of mines is randomly decided in every game. You uncover a box by tapping on it. Make sure that you see a mine icon at the bottom left before you uncover a box. When you tap on the mine icon on bottom left, it changes to a flag. Flags are placed at boxes where you are sure there is a mine. You can place a flag by tapping the box which you want to flag. Make sure that you see the flag icon at the bottom left and not the mine icon before you attempt to do it.When you uncover a box, you may see a number. The number on a box denotes the number of mines in its surrounding 8 boxes (top, right, down, left, top left, top right, bottom left bottom right). You may also see an empty box upon uncovering, which means that there are no mines in its 8 surrouding boxes.If you ever feel you have messed it all up, don't worry, just smile and tap the smiley at the bottom right. It will restart the game for youEnjoy the game.