Uninstall Apps (com.inkwired.uninstallapps) on Google Play

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Easiest and fastest app uninstaller tool for your Android smartphone with uninstall history.There are various options in navigation drawer, using which you can customize this app according to you:* Single/Batch Mode: Switch between single mode, where you can uninstall apps by single tap or batch mode to uninstall more than one app at the same time.* Uninstall History: Maintain history of all the apps you have uninstalled. So that you can easily re-install any app without having to search for it on Play Store.* Search: Enable you to find the particular apps to uninstall.* Sort By: Sort apps list by name, size, date in both ascending or descending order.* Clear Cache: Get more internal storage space by clearing the cache created by all apps.* Settings: Some advanced options to customize the appearance and functionality of UninstallApps, which include option to show a persistent notification of UninstallApps, show or hide memory bar, choose when to display cache clear notification as well as whether to show total app size including occupied cache and SD card size.* App Storage Location: Shows whether app is in phone or external storage, and whether its movable (if supported).Note: System/Pre-loaded apps cannot be uninstalled.