JoikuSpeed – 3G/4G Speeds ( on Google Play

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Race For Speed – Measure your mobile Internet speed and compare your performance with others in your location.JoikuSpeed is scientifically developed app with highly accurate and reliable speed measurement technology and large global network speed comparison database. Using JoikuSpeed is easy:★ Click START and get your actual mobile Internet speed. You will also get the quality of your speed performance and local speed comparison to find the fastest measurements in your location by your service provider.★ Compare device models to see which devices have best performance in your country; download speed, upload speeds and popularity. ★Monitor your network changes and signal strength in real-time to indicate possible network problems and to find an optimal spot for your mobile connection inside buildings. ★Analyze network quality, and turn on smart speed monitoring in the phone background that gives you network speed performance information at different places and times. JoikuSpeed uses scientifically developed speed measurement technology designed by research team in Aalto University of Finland, also known as Netradar. Netradar hosts speed measurement servers worldwide. You can also look up 3G and 4G user speeds by area on a Netradar speed map with your web browser at ★★★ JoikuSpeed uses mobile data for speed measurement. Joiku recommends the app use only with unlimited mobile data plan. ★★★ Please make sure your phone GPS (location services) is turned on to get the accurate speed comparison in your own location. Joiku is a partner of Aalto University:Professor Jukka Manner, Aalto University: "Partnership with Joiku is truly great. We have worked very hard for years on our Netradar technology platform, to make mobile network and device measurements accurate and scalable. Together with Joiku we can bring unique new data and services to consumers, and even the industry at large".