eoh (com.jp.eoh) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'jp.com'

eoh is your dedicated magazine. Each managed by one the SNS or blog that has been viewed by another application, you can view. All of the time line will be on display order in a single app.If tap an article to be worried about, you will layout such as magazines, on an enlarged scale. Toward one after another from the new post to the old post, you can happily browse to read the magazine. You can browse posts of friends, you can share the article. In the morning commute, the coffee companion, please use the eoh to vacation. eoh will be willing to simplify your life, and rich. Highlights: ● such as news and social network, in the one place I want news. On topics of news and interest, I can easily catch up. ● future, posting comments, I say! , We will from time to time version up so that it can perform a share.● article your friend to share, photo, I will be able to quickly catch the update of the video. ● Localized Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, the United States, in 15 countries of the United Kingdom.● Since we will version up to useful app that was further equipped with various functions future, please stay tuned. Future for in-app billing ●, SNS function, tumbler, Pinterest, we heart it I will continue to add such. When you ask them to use the full functionality, you need an accounting.