STRESS ZERO (com.lastshore.stresszero) on Google Play

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Emotions are an unconscious fear that takes root in the body’s memory. Intellectually we’re trying to sort out the problem, but it’s in our body that everything takes place.For example: if your jaw is clenched, if your body’s tense, if your breathing’s short, if your stomach’s churning etc. then you’re probably aggressive or angry.These very sensations are the most interesting ones.When you’re overwhelmed by an emotion or stress, what do you usually do to get better?For example, walk the dog, turn on the TV, drink alcohol, brood, take a deep breath, wander about aimlessly, become aggressive concerning the family, shops, subway, traffic jams. At work you’re annoyed by your boss, employees or clients and in everyday life by the police, bankers and so on.What you usually do makes you feel better. However, you know that when the cause of your stress comes back, you’ll be upset all over again.