Maxreading - Learn to Read (com.maxscholar.maxreading) on Google Play

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MaxReading is the app that will help your child reach his/her reading potential! There are hundreds of stories on different levels that will keep readers engaged and motivated. Students will expand their vocabulary and improve their spelling with the selected words in each of the chapters. Then, they will start reading and develop fluency. The use of our digital highlighters to identify the topic, main idea, and important details of a text, will help him/her improve focus and retention. Each chapter also has a reading comprehension portion that will assess your child's understanding of what was read, and provide a performance score. After finishing these exercises, your child will be able to play fun learning games that will reinforce what was learned. Get started with MaxReading today and take your child's reading to the MAX!HOW TO INSTALL:1. Download the app from the Google Play Store.2. Look for the app icon on your home screen.3. Launch the app and start learning!