The Late Bloomer (com.mobihypnos.soft.add35) on Google Play

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What makes talent bloom? Ask what makes a tree blossom. They are the same.It is not unfathomable. It only takes concentration. Concentration of energies is what makes a tree flower. Not bigger, not faster, not taking up more space. Rather … less space. Density … Pressure in hard places. Often, in the dark. Relentlessly. Freely. For as long as it takes.Hold faith, a gestation can go long and for good reason, and nothing much shows above ground … But then, one day … The Late Bloomer speaks to all of us who sense within “great talent untapped completely, touchingly wondrous yet wounded or held back by fate in some way,” inspiring us to break through into worldly life using the creative fire of interior life … to burst into bloom time and again.