Weight Loss (com.mobihypnos.soft.add67) on Google Play

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If you have a weight problem, your mind likely already sees your body as beyond its control. They key to every weight loss success story is there was one "magic cure" that users truly believed in. Are all these "magic cures" real but only for a select few? No. The common thread in them all is self determination. The key is not finding the magic cure, but creating it within yourself. You can quite literally think yourself thin. Just in the same way Yogis are able to walk on hot coals without being damaged or slow down their own metabolisms to heal from within, you can lose weight based on brain patterns. Think it and you will be it. But thinking it isn't easy for some who have lived with the difficulty of an uncooperative metabolism for so many years. And unfair standards in the media only make it more difficult to appreciate yourself and feel healthy so you can be happy.The ABSOLUTE most important aspect of weight maintenance is your mindset. If weight loss is something you go into as a battle, looking to defeat your own body through starvation and torturous unnatural dietary supplements (which often damage your digestive system), your body will rebel against you. If you think of weight loss as a burden, and exercise as a chore, you will be dissatisfied and tired before you even start. The only way to get your body to do what you want is to cooperate with it. No one's body wants to be unhealthy and lethargic. Our system teaches you how to love physical activity and keep loving it. A temporary diet yields temporary (if any) results. Don't gain the weight back. Get a new body AND a new mindset!Are you self conscious and afraid to exercise? Our program helps with that by maintaining motivation. Reaffirmation reduces the seeds of self consciousness and creates a mentality conducive to self-discipline. Do you find yourself eating even when you're not hungry? Our program helps you reduce compulsive eating. Break the cycle by declaring this program a symbolic shift from your old ways. The entrainment program will do the rest. Are you one of those people who is just hungry all the time? Our program bends your brainwaves to reduce hunger. What would you do with a chance like this? What would you do if you had less hunger, less compulsive eating, less stress, and more compulsion to exercise and be active? You know you won't let yourself down. Act thinner and you'll be thinner.