Manifest Your Dreams (com.mobihypnos.soft.add80) on Google Play

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Your thoughts are a perfect reflection on what is about to happen. We all heard of "Positive Thinking", but our Manifestation Recording takes this to the next level. You can make your dreams and desires come true with the right mind frame.The Law Of Attraction states, Positive energy will attract positive returns, and negative energy will attract negative returns. We all understand the law of gravity, but few truly understand the Law Of Attraction.Often people try to think in a positive manner and get held back by worries or using the wrong technique. Here's a little hint. Don't think using negative words.. If you project the phrase "I want to get out of debt", debt is exactly what will come to you! Instead, concentrate on phrases like "I am happy and wealthy".Positive Thinking and manifesting thoughts can only go so far using the mind as-is. Our Binaural Beat helps you manifest your thoughts into reality by eliminating the brain's natural blockages which helps you rid yourself of doubt and negative feelings.