iPlasticSurgeon Pro (com.mobisters.plasticsurgeon.pro) on Google Play

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**** GALLERY OF YOUR FAVORITE CELEBRITIES IS UPDATED EVERY WEEK ****Would you like to feel yourself like a plastic surgeon?Would you like to try on the eyes, nose or eyebrows your favorite celebrities?Would you like to make fun of your friends?Enjoy iPlasticSurgeon.iPlasticSurgeon is very simple and most effective application which allows you to create very funny and amusing your photo or picture of your friend with the different elements of faces your favorite celebrities.iPlasticSurgeon has a large collection of celebrities and their parts of the face.With iPlastic-Surgeon you’ll never get bored, and will spend time having fun editing photos!Use your imagination! Create! Enjoy!Talk to the developers on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MOBiSTERS.Post your findings and ideas on Facebook and they may become real!