Currency Converter (com.ngoumotsios.currencyconverter) on Google Play

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Convert every world currency using Currency Converter. It offers live conversion rates, exchange rates of more than 180 world currencies and 4 metals and stores the last updated values so it works when an active internet connection is not found. Have all important and desired currencies at first glance by setting up your own currency list*** LIVE EXCHANGE RATES and GRAPHS ***- 182 world currencies- 4 metals- Live rates (automatic updates - regulated update intervals)- Chart Rates – Currency Graphs ( 1 day - 5 years)- 3 Graphs Types (Line, Bar, Candle)- Simultaneously convert up to 20 currencies - Reorder your own currency list*** OFFLINE MODE ***- Stores last update rates for later viewing- Convert currency rates without active internet access*** PERSONALIZE SETTINGS ***- Turn currency symbols on / off- Adjust Precision ( set the number of decimals 0-5 )- 2 Application Themes ( Light and Dark Theme )- Adjustable initial conversion base factor ( Initial Value for Base Currency = 10 )- Adjust the frequency of live updates- Additional Currency Details on Main Screen (Rates Only, Rates and Inverse, Rates and Unit Inverse, Rates and Unit Conversion)*** OTHER DETAILS ***- Base and Convert Currency Selection on Main Screen - Currency Details (Country, Continent, Capital, Flag, Currency Symbol)- App 2 SD- Quick search functionality for easy and neat currency addition*** NOTES ***-To avoid roaming costs while traveling, use offline mode-Rates and graphs are provided by FINANCEOur goal is the continuous improvement of this application. Please feel free to contact us for malfunctions. Any comment – suggestion is really welcomed