ownMdm - Remote Device Control (com.pacosal.mdm) on Google Play

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ownMdm is your own Mobile Device Manager, where you and only you, can remotely control your devices or your family devices.You must set your own server.It has 2 parts:- Web: The web part is a php web that uses a mySql Database to send and receive commands to your registered devices.- App: This App that is a device administratorThese are the Command you can send, so far:- Message: Send a notification to device. - Lock: Will block device screen.- Ring: The device will sound like a police car.- Enable Admin: The device will receive a popup to activate this App if it is not.- Ping: The device will answer with a ping to check if is responding (check log)- Location: The device will answer with its location at google maps and wifi networks - Location Alarm: Send you alerts when the device go out or in the actual device location. - Wipe: The device will be completely deleted, only if it is stolen and you can not recover it- Lock with Key: This command will lock the device with your own PIN from console. Even if the mobile is rebooted the lock will work.- Force update Model: Will get model data to console- Command Record Audio: will record a 20 seconds audio and will send it to your mail- Command Take a Picture: will take a front and back picture and will send it to your mail - Command Receive a Sms: Perfect for knowing the mobile number of the Imsi inserted in the device- Command Track Device: The device will return location, sound and pictures every 3 minutes for 15 minutes- Command Video: The device will take a short video and will send it to your mail (It will wait till Screen is On)- Command Receive a File: The device will send you the file you set as a parameter* Besides if the Sim is changed you will receive an Alarm in your log with the new Imsi.* Stealth Mode: Now you can set Stealth Mode for this App. Once launcher will reload, you do not see ownMdm Icon. In order to show it again you must dial ##0000## number. Set this once you have set server url. You have to install the web part of this software on your own server. A RaspBerry PI is perfect for this.*** This code is open sourceGo to http://ownmdm.pacosal.com