Invienta (com.primorgames.invienta) on Google Play

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Four friends from different nationalities decided to set out a sailboat trip around the Mediterranean sea. Just before leaving the mysterious ship's logbook of the pirate Skinny Jimmy fell in their hands. iNVieNtA with us this thrilling adventure and learn how to sail, languages, geography, history and lots other exciting topics. You can not miss that!This educational story would like to bring the children aged in between 3 to 8 years old into the world of the sea and the mediterranean culture, and to get them used to other languages.The player will learn how to use the sails, the rudder and the anchor of a sailboat. He can read and listen the story in four languages. And in each chapter he will track the treasures mentioned in Jimmy's logbook.What is the pirate's logbook hiding? Come onboard to discover it!*Available in English / Castellano / Català / FrançaisJoin us in FB to sail together: